Empowering Minds!
Transforming Futures!
Help us fundraise today!

At New Acropolis, we are dedicated to philosophical ideals, every individual's contribution is purely voluntary. Whether you're guiding others as an educator or taking on leadership roles across various domains, everyone participates wholeheartedly without remuneration.

New Acropolis, is a vital part of civil society in 54 United Nations member countries. In 2015, this global body embraced the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through dialogue and consensus among diverse stakeholders. This visionary framework fosters communication and alliances, working toward 17 interconnected global goals. Committed to this cause, the IONA General Assembly, in 2020, embraced the UN's call to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in the 2030 Agenda, disseminating the need for unity and solidarity. Join us in spreading awareness and making a tangible impact on our communities local and around the world. Your contribution empowers us to create lasting change, together.

Aligning ourselves to the SDGS

In the 2020 General Assembly resolution, after an analysis of all the programs developed by the IONA, it was decided to start measuring the contributions to four priority SDGs.

As a philosophical organization, it seems to us that everything that unites human beings deserves an opportunity to be promoted, supported and strengthened. The SDGs provide an opportunity to have a common language for those of us who work on complex problems such as those currently facing humanity. In the face of the great crises that the new generations will face, it is time to build bridges and alliances to help thousands of people in need.

*IONA is the International Organisation of New Acropolis.

UN SDG 4 - Quality education image
SDG 16

Quality education

Life on land

Peace, justice and strong institutions

Partnerships for the goals

The impact we have around the globe


Participants and beneficiaries


26% in Cultural activities, 24% in Volunteering and 50% in Philosophy


Volunteering hours


Trees planted