Our principles are to Promote Fraternity amongst all people without discrimination, through; Comparative Studies of Philosophy, Culture, Arts, Sciences and; Investigate Humane Potential and the Laws of Nature.
We are aligned with at least 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
#4 Quality Education;
#15 Life on Land.
#16 Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions; & international projects of ecological sustainability continue to meet goal
#17 Partnership for the goals
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------ Our Principles ------
To promote an Ideal of international fraternity, based on respect for human dignity, beyond racial, sexual, cultural, religious, social or other differences.
It is necessary to promote respect for different identities and traditions, and at the same time to strengthen unity beyond differences, to harmonize people, ideas and feelings in an enriching and open coexistence. The strength of this ideal of fraternity lies more in what unites us than in what separates us. It is firmly based on a recognition of universal values, which, while respecting diversity, transcend local practices and customs and come together in a set of common ethical principles that are inherent in the dignity of every human being. This ideal promotes respect for and promotion of human rights, as well as the recognition of certain principles of universal ethics.
To encourage the love of wisdom through the comparative study of philosophies, religions, sciences and arts, in order to promote the knowledge of the human being, the laws of Nature and the Universe.
The love of truth and knowledge sets out from the legitimate aspiration to develop one’s own discernment and understanding of the world and oneself. We understand philosophy as an axis that connects the different facets and angles of human knowledge. Philosophy can bring together the sources of the past and the present in that global, broad and integrating vision, so that it becomes a real force for progress, which seeks not only to explore the paths of life, but to go deeply into its ultimate ends, and tries to combine all aspects of knowledge and experience
To develop the best of the human potential, by promoting the realization of the human being as an individual and his or her integration as an active and conscious part of society and nature, in order to improve the world.
Our work results in better individuals who bring sustainability to social development. The human being still has an enormous latent potential. To know it and develop it is one of the fundamental pillars of life itself and provides a source of lasting satisfaction. The achievement of harmony between thought, feeling and action is a goal for every human being. A balanced and all-round development of oneself, and the actualisation of the best qualities and values of our human nature, are probably the only guarantee of moving towards a better world.
Our Purpose
To unite seekers of wisdom through humane relationships. Find the art in science, comparative cultures and different philosophies by studying the nature of all things. This is the direction of the heroes journey by awakening our potential.
How We Teach
Through comparative studies, we enter the depth of human experience across the ages, linking the past, present and future. Gain the skills, values and attitudes for individual management, organisation and expanding consciousness by progressively improving your life and relationships
From Lovers of Wisdom
A lover of wisdom aims to gain practical knowledge in order to achieve tranquility from within.