Awaken your Hero's journey
with 6 weekly sessions experiencing human values, inspired by tested wisdom.
This course introduces the essence of ancient philosophy as a tool for the person to build themselves and their future. Philosophical life makes it possible to reveal the mysteries of man and the world, deepen the view of reality, and move in the world with more authenticity, inner confidence, and happiness.
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For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them
Part One
Living Human Values
Ethics and Human Values
Natural Philosophy and the Meaning of life
Know thyself as a path to unlocking our potential
Mysteries of Man and the Cosmos
Development of values by familiarising yourself with the seven principles of nature
The Inner Warrior - Wisdom of Ancient India
Developing inner strength and the path of the peaceful warrior
Concentration and Inner Awakening
Mysteries of Tibet
Mental control as a tool for spiritual development.
Crisis as a tool for growth - Buddhism
Teachings and the path of Buddha.
Personal and social order - Confucius and Ancient China
Individual ethics and the politics of society
Sharing and disseminating our ideas of the first part of the course. There will also be practical elements and guidance for daily application.
Part Two
Coexistence: the new Renaissance
Coexistence as tool of development
Practical tools to awaken change.
The process of human awakening - Plato and the myth of the cave
Human potential to liberate oneself and assist others.
Happiness independent of circumstance - Aristotle
Influence of self development on others.
Our differences as a base for co-existence
Learning to see the goodness and beauty in our differences.
Depth of Education
Using education as an active process to link us to ourselves and to develop the tools to know, to think, to choose, and to act.
Justice as an individual and cultural need - Africa & Ancient Egypt
Identifying the just and how to express philosophical equality. Using inspiration from the teachings of Mohlomi and the Egyptian sentence of the heart.
Being a citizen of the World - Rome & Stoicism**
A community for humanity. Following the example of Stoicism and Ancient Rome.
Part Three
Transforming the future
Philosophy of History
How the philosophy of history can be an engine for our future
The importance of Transmission
Observing the past through varying sources. Seeing history in an objective manner and learning how to project it onto the future.
Myth and History
Wisdom that transcends beyond history and its cycles. Using mythology to understand ancient history.
Historical Cycles
Natural cycles and the human movement. Current times in accordance with Hinduism.
Freedom and Destiny
What is freedom and how is it linked to destiny? Learn about the role of will in the construction of the future. Do we have a common human destiny?
Symposium and graduation ceremony
Sharing and disseminating our ideas of the entire course. There will also be practical elements and guidance for daily application and discussion on how we have applied the practical exercises in our lives.

- Do you ever ask yourself questions like, "Why do we exist; what's the point?" or "What role do I have to play in this world?
- If you do, you're asking the same questions many great philosophers have asked throughout the ages.
- Philosophers like Buddha, Confucius and Socrates, who dedicated their lives to this type of philosophical investigation and the practical application thereof.
- Our society values the ideals of individual choice and freedom.
- Yet, more and more, people are realizing that these values are elusive and may even be diminishing.
- The average person checks their phone 150 times a day. How much freedom is there?
- We are inspired by the idea that individual choice, freedom, and the resulting happiness, is maximized by philosophical wisdom.
- We are also interested in a revindication of the word "philosophy" as "love of wisdom" which is the original meaning of the word.